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Gate Valves

국제 품질인증과 해외 메이저선급의 인증을 취득하여 세계적인 품질 우수성을 입증하였으며,
지속적인 R&D투자를 통해 최고의 품질로 고객을 만족시키는 Global Valve Maker로서의 입지를 다져 나가고 있습니다.

  • S&S Valves are designed to meet the ASME Sec-III design
    Standards. In addition to 3Dmodelingand analysis for
    confirmation of structural safety, flow analysis is carried
    out on TRIM to guarantee its accurate Cv value as well as
    to verify structural strength under limited conditions at
    which actual testing is impossible to provide safe and
    accurate performance,
  • 2D Design Software: AUTOCAD
  • 3D Design Software: SOLIDWORK
  • Design Analysis Software: ANSYS